My Playhouse (Busy-Bee)

Hey y'all,

I didn't quite know what my very first design blog post should/would be about and since I am not very good with introductions, here goes utter randomness..

I happen to follow Bob Borson's 'Life of An Architect' Blog (which you should to totally check out) and each year, he features the 'Life of An Architect Playhouse Design Competition'.

The criteria for judging usually is;
  • creativity
  • appeal
  • originality
  • buildability, and
  • the ability of the playhouse to be built for approximately $5,000 in material costs
So this year I finally gave it a shot and though I did not manage to submit my design on time, I thought it might be cool to share what I came up with so here goes...


Drawing my inspiration from the beehive which quite fascinates me in its intricacy and perfection, I abstracted the oblong shape..

The Playhouse 1.jpg

..aaand, well ran with it, lol.

Tried out a few combinations of the oblong shapes while having in mind that I still needed to adhere to scale, in this case, that of a child.  Of course some combinations looked so good in perspective but had zero function except to probably just fill up your yard with a sculpture of sorts.

The Playhouse 2

Sometimes kids just love to explore different dynamics of spaces for the sake of curiosity and for the sheer fun of it so I found these particular combination rally exciting to put together because it was a great balance of play and rest and play again. :)

The Playhouse 3

I also tried to balance between the open and closed spaces as much as possible, trying to provide shade where necessary.  I wouldn't necessarily recommend anyone's kid sliding on that life-threatening excuse of a slide but oh well, still work in progress.  Will be sure to post the final  masterpiece, lol.

The Playhouse 4

That's all folks, such a shame I never made it to the submission but there is always a next time(year), right? But like they say;




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